Coupon Offer

Coupon Offer Rules

Attention, attention! We have a special offer for you, a 10% immediate discount coupon on your first online purchase over €20 .

That's right, that's exactly what you read! It's the perfect opportunity to take advantage and purchase that product you've been wanting, or make that purchase you've been putting off.

This offer is for a limited time, so don't waste any more time and get your 10% immediate discount coupon now! Coupon for new customers that is exclusive online and cannot be combined with other current promotions. Valid from 06-06 to 30-06-2024.

How to Discount the Coupon

To discount the coupon, you can use it at Checkout by entering the code " PRIMEIRACOMPRA24 " that you received in the email after making your first purchase. A 10% subtotal discount will be deducted from the total value of your order, excluding shipping costs.

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